Academics » Library


The Elementary Library is a “happening place!” All students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade Five visit the library with their classes each week. In addition to checking out books at this time, students also learn library skills or participate in an activity that supplements their classroom instruction. Students are also allowed to visit the library individually at other times during the week on an as-needed basis; and after the school day, many parents and students visit the library together.
The Accelerated Reader program is used in grades 1-5 to encourage students to successfully read more books, resulting in increased confidence and more enjoyment of reading. AR library books are easily identified, and computers are available in the library and classrooms for taking quizzes. Those who reach different milestones in the program enjoy being recognized in chapel and seeing their pictures on the cafeteria wall.
Each year, Dallas Christian students participate in choosing The Texas Bluebonnet Award, the Children’s Crown Award, and the Children’s Crown Gallery Award. The nominees are introduced and promoted during the year, and student voting is done at the appointed time. Their votes are tallied with the votes from other schools to determine the winners.
Excited students and parents anticipate the Scholastic Book Fair each year in the library. Great participation from families and teachers results in high volume sales, generating a high percentage profit for the library.
A summer library program is also offered for students to come to the library on any or all of the eight times the library is open during the summer. They enjoy checking out books from their summer reading lists and taking AR quizzes on those books, giving them a head start on AR points for the next school year.
The main objective of all these things is to promote reading! With this skill, we learn how to become fruitful Christians, accomplished students, and discerning citizens.

What is Accelerated Reader?

As explained by Renaissance Learning, parent company of Accelerated Reader: “AR is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Your child picks a book at his own level and reads it at his own pace. When finished, your child takes a short quiz on the computer. (Passing the quiz is an indication that your child understood what was read.) AR gives both children and teachers feedback based on the quiz results, which the teacher then uses to help your child set goals and direct ongoing reading practice.

Children using AR choose their own books to read, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they can choose books that are interesting to them.

Teachers and librarians help your child choose books at an appropriate reading level that are challenging without being frustrating, ensuring that your child can pass the quiz and experience success.

If your child does not do well on the quiz, the teacher may help him:

  • Choose another book that is more appropriate.
  • Ask more probing questions as your child reads and before he takes a quiz.
  • Pair your child with another student, or even have the book read to your child.
“In most cases, children really enjoy taking the quizzes. Since they’re reading books at their reading and interest levels, they are likely to be successful. This is satisfying for most children. Best of all, they learn and grow at their own pace.”

Accelerated Reader Links

Parent’s Guide to Accelerated Reader

Using Renaissance Home Connect, you may view your child’s Accelerated Reader progress from home, and even sign up to receive an e-mail when a he/she takes a quiz!

You can also AR Book Finder to check book titles for possible AR quizzes or point and book level information